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OP der Zukunft

What is "OP der Zukunft"?

Into the Future of Surgery

"OP der Zukunft" means "Operating Room of the Future".

Robot-Assisted Surgery - RAS for short - is an operating technique in which a robot, handling surgical instruments and a camera, performs surgeries, remotely controlled by a surgeon positioned at a master console. While this invention was the first major step towards the Operating Room of the future, vital further improvements are needed to really get to the next level of surgery.

Innovation to go

The Possibilities Are Endless

"OP der Zukunft" is a project aimed at catapulting robot-assisted surgery to the next level and into the future. To this end the project is comprised of two pilots. Pilot #1 deals with Augmented reality by projecting pre-op imaging such as MRI or PET/CT into the live view during surgery to help physicians navigate. Pilot #2 focusses on developing an assistant robot, that automatically collaborates with the primary surgical robot, including an active collision prevention system.


"The best way to predict the future is to create it"

Abraham Lincoln

Welcome to the Future

Welcome to the Future

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© 2022 by OP der Zukunft (OR of the Future)

OP der Zukunft (OR of the Future) is a lighthouse project in robot-assisted surgery funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF / EFRE)

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